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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers

Here you can find asnwers for the most frequently asked questions about our company and our products.

How big is the Cronhex team?

Our team consist of more than 15 people. In Cronhex we have several subteams such as:
● Management
● Development
● Design
● Quality Assuarance
● Cybersecurity

What technologies are you using?

Our company trying its best to follow the latest development trends and always be up to date. Currently the following technologies are in use.
● .NET Core
● NodeJS (express)
● Angular
● ReactJS
● ElectronJS
● Flutter
● Swift (UIkit & SwiftUI)
● Kotlin

How can I request a project quote?

In order to request a project quote, you can fill out the form above and get in touch with us. During 24-48 hours Cronhex team will reach you back and discuss all the required details.

Do you offer consulting services?

As a team of professionals Cronhex is ready to provide consulting services as well as help with system and business analytcs assistance.

What is the standart time of project delivery?

By default standard, project delivery time is 90 weekdays after design approval. However, it may vary from project to project.

Which platforms are supported by apps?

Currently, applications developed by Cronhex are available on the following platforms:
● Android
● IOS (IphoneOS)
● IpadOS
As well as mobile platforms our applications can be delivered to the desktop.